Does my dog need a coat during winter?
While the days are getting shorter and the weather is getting colder. We’re ready to snuggle up with our dogs inside. But we do have to face the weather to walk the dog. While you are comfy in a warm coat. Your dog might need one too.
How to decide if your dog needs a coat.
There are a few things to keep in mind when you’re asking yourself if your dog needs a coat. In the list below you find which kind of dogs might benefit from wearing a coat.
- Smaller dog breeds or puppies mostly need a coat because they have a hard time generating and retaining body heat. A dog coat is here used to protect their vital organs from cold weather.
- Short-haired dogs could use a coat too. Where a double-coated dog has an isolated layer between his skin and normal coat. A short-haired dog does not. This makes it harder for him to create an isolated layer. A coat provides this layer for your dog.
- While some dogs are getting clipped for medical reasons, and some for esthetical purposes. Clipped dogs lose their natural protection against the cold weather. To protect those dogs from cold weather, it’s advised to give them a coat.
- Senior dogs lose the quality of their coat over time and have a harder time regulating the body temperature, also their immune system is getting weaker. To help them stay warm, you can give them a coat.
- When you live in a colder area and adopted or bought a breed that’s used to a warmer climate, you have to help him staying warm. If the dog is having a hard time making a winter coat, a dog coat helps him getting through colder days.
- When you want your dog to join your hiking trips when the weather is colder, he is getting exposed to cold weather for a longer time. A coat is a great solution to minimalize this exposure.
Which kind of coat should you get your dog?
If your dog is cold, a coat is your solution. At Kentucky, we have different coats with different fillings. You can use a fleece coat if your dog needs some cover, don’t worry if he gets too warm because the fabric is highly breathable. If you want a warmer coat, our dog coat with 160g filling is the coat you’re looking for. This coat contains tiny air pockets to trap and maintain your dog’s body heat. The coat also has a little hood made from artificial sheepskin at the back for extra cover and warmth. The coat is lined with artificial rabbit skin for an extra soft and warm feel, the lining also polishes your dog’s coat.
Nothing is worse than a wet dog. To prevent your dog from getting wet, you could use our waterproof dog coat. This is a waterproof fabric that avoids your dog from getting wet. The dog stays warm and is protected from the rain at the same time.
Had some bad luck and forgot the raincoat and it started raining? No problem! We have a towel coat too. This coat will dry your dog in no time, while he has no chance to rub his wet coat against the sofa.
If you walk the dog often in a poorly lit neighborhood, you can protect your dog from cars or bikes with a reflective coat. This works the same as reflective jackets, so the light of a car will reflect to the driver. This will make sure no one passes your dog unnoticeably. The coat is water repellent so ideal for rainy days.
For each style we have a coat, so chose the one you love to protect your dog. All our coats are easy to put on and protect your dog’s vital organs. Since we know dogs love the dirt, our coats are easily cleaned by washing them at 30 degrees.