First days with a puppy

Adding a new fluffy member to the family is a very exciting moment. To prepare you for the first days we’ve created a guide with the most important things you need to know when you’re getting a puppy.

Before the dog arrives

Before you’re getting a puppy, you should prepare some things in advance. First of all, puppy-proof the house. Stowaway loose items on the floor such as shoes and bags, if you are getting a bigger puppy also clear out the coffee table.  If you have plants standing on the ground, check if you can temporarily put them on a sideboard or in another room. Items such as cables are also best tucked away. If you are letting your pup in the garden, run the fence to check if there’s no way to escape.

When the house is puppy-proof, it’s time to get some supplies. We’ve created a list of must-have products for when your puppy arrives

  • A collar or a harness: If you’re not sure which one to take, you can read this blog. We advise you to take a collar/harness you can easily adjust as your puppy will grow quite a lot.
  • A leash: If you’re planning to take puppy classes, check which lead your trainer advises. Our advice is to take a shorter lead and a longer lead (like the tow lead).
  • Dog bowls: You’ll need at least 2 dog bowls for your puppy, one for food and one for water. Check our range of stylish dog bowls to see which one suits perfectly in your interior.
  • dog toys: Playing with your pup is super relaxing and creates a bond between the two of you. We have different kinds of toys that will make playtime even more fun!
  • A dog bed and a crate: Your pup needs a safe space to sleep. Don’t forget to check that the bed and crate are big enough, so the puppy can grow into them.
  • Poo bags: No one likes to step into dog poo, so pick up after your pup. The Kentucky dog poo bag holder is so stylish, you don’t mind hanging it on your leash.
  • Training pads: accidents happen during the first days. With training pads, cleaning up after your pup is a lot easier.
  • Treats and food: We advise you to check with your breeder and vet which kind of food is best for your pup.
  • Grooming set: Your little pup needs to be pampered from time to time. The grooming set should contain a nail trimmer, a toothbrush, puppy shampoo, and a brush (depending on the breed)
  • Puppy gates/puppy pens: puppy gates are a lifesaver when you want to make sure your pup is in a safe environment. You can also use baby gates to create a safe space.

When you get the dog

When you’re picking up your puppy, don’t forget to bring his collar and lead. If it’s possible you can bring one of your toys too and put it where the mother and puppies are while you’re doing the paperwork. This will transfer some of the smell and can be useful later during the day. Normally the breeder will give you some puppy food to survive the first days. This is important to have as you might otherwise upset your puppy’s stomach.

The first ride might be a little confusing for your little friend. You could ask the breeder not to feed the pup a couple of hours before to avoid nausea. Make sure your dog is safe during transport by putting it in a crate for example. If possible, take a family member with you to watch over the pup while you’re driving home. When you’re home, let the pup on the grass so it can potty and relieve some stress before you take him inside.

The first 24h

When you bring your pup inside, he will start to explore things. Try to keep the place to explore small, so your pup can do it safely. Keep a good eye on the dog and allow him to meet the house and family calmly. If you have other dogs, keep them outside for some time so the dog can discover the house on its own.  Keep in mind that this situation is very stressful for puppies. Therefore, don’t forget to take him outside about every hour and let him rest (preferably in a crate). To introduce your pup to the crate you can put some toys (with the smell of his mom) in there and leave the door open while you supervise it.

A puppy has to be fed 3 times a day. The feeding instructions will be given by your breeder and need to be followed strictly to avoid an upset tummy. After feeding, take your dog outside to potty. Don’t take your puppy to a park or to a place where other dogs are walking. As your pup probably did not get all of his shots, he should not interact with strange dogs. Until you can go to the vet, it’s best to let your dog potty in the backyard. Don’t forget to praise your dog after he pied or pooped outside as this will speed up the potty training.

The night will be very restless for both you and the dog as the pup is for the first time without its mother. When you’re preparing the pup for bedtime, try to exhaust it so it can have a good rest. Don’t let the pup rest or drink 1 hour before bedtime. Take your dog out one last time and put it into its crate for the night.

Even though the night probably was very short, you will wake up with a smile on your face from seeing this cutie. When the pup wakes up in the morning, immediately carry him outside to potty. You now have plenty of time to play with the new family member. We advise you to take at least 3 different kinds of dog toys. A soft dog toy, a rope/ball toy and a chew toy. By doing this, you can test what your pup likes the most. Use one toy at a time and see how your pup reacts and what his favorite style of playing is. You can also use this playtime to start training your dog. keep it short and simple so you don’t overstimulate your dog. A good way to start is by learning his name.

The first 24 hours are very special. Don’t forget to enjoy them and to take a picture from time to time. You will be amazed how fast this little man can grow.